Thursday, 24 January 2013

You talkin' to me? Changing our inner dialogue

Do you ever think something to yourself that makes you go what the #@!& immediately after? This has been happening to me a lot as of late, and I'm fed up with my self destructive inner-dialogue. For instance, in my romantic life I've never been one to favor "the asshole" or the "sort of asshole" over "the nice guy". However,  I've actually thought to myself recently, and even said aloud to others: "ugh, is he too nice?" And: "why is he being so nice, what does he want?".  You know you've reached a new low when you're considering turning someone down or questioning them for being too nice. And while I make a point of saying how much I loath game playing as it pertains to dating, lately I find myself wondering if a guy's desperate if he's too quick to express interest in me. Despicable. I mean god forbid someone actually likes me, obviously he's a first-class ("L" on forehead) loser.

Yes, one of the downsides of dating is it can make a cynic out of the best of us, yet I like to think it doesn't have to. Perhaps I've taken one too many affirmation-shouting Inten-Sati classes (at Equinox), where the focus is on empowerment through a more positive inner dialogue. Or maybe it's the start of a new year and I've got my rose tinted glasses on. What I'm trying to express is when such thoughts arise, I've got to remind myself that I am worthy of love and good things. In a sense, it's so much easier to think negatively because then we're better equipped to deal with disappointments. The reality, however, is we're much much more likely to find success -- in all facets of life, if we believe it is ours to be had. And just think of all the bad energy we're sending out into the atmosphere?! Still not saying we shouldn't proceed with caution (there are crazies out there) but you, well, you get it right? Love thyself. Be kind to thyself. Repeat.



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