Thursday, 17 January 2013

Better late than never: 2013 resolutions

Me in "guru pose" (as my friend Pam called it) on New Year's eve in Saint. Martin. 

Happy 2013 dear readers! I've finally come up with some New Year's resolutions I think I can actually keep. What was that? Disbelief? Oh no you didn'ttttt (insert mandatory finger waving and snapping). Besides, putting my resolutions on the web for all to see already implies a certain degree of accountability, right? I think so anyways.

 What are your resolutions? Send them my way and we can keep each other in-check. Thank you again for reading, it means the world to me as this blog is truly a labor of love. 

1. Blog more. Duh. 

2. De-clutter. Cabinets, closet, desk -- the works. I find I breathe easier when there's less "stuff" around me. It's also a major time-saver, especially for someone who is perennially late. That brings me to my second resolution...

3. Be on time. Stop under-estimating how much time I need to get ready and arrive at my final destination. 

4. Get together with friends more often during the week. Drinks on a Wednesday despite having work the next day? Yes please! Life's too short to not take advantage of NYC's vibrant nightlife which some argue attracts better crowds (ahem, eligible bachelors) on weekdays. 

5. Eat less sweets. Moderation, moderation, moderation.

6. Keep changing up my exercise regime to avoid getting bored and to keep my muscles on their toes so to speak. Last year I fell in love with the ballet inspired barre-burn classes and the heart-pumping, affirmation shouting inten-sati classes at Equinox. In 2013, I'm trying pilates on the megaformer at SLT. It has been described as "pilates on steroids", and while I'm scared, I'm also kind of psyched. I've also just gotten into Mary Helen Bowers' ballet-based dvd workouts. The former ballerina and Natalie Portman's trainer for Black Swan helps you get that long and lean ballerina body. Her quick, targeted workouts are perfect when you're traveling or pressed for time. 

7. Sport a bold lip more often. It's an instant winter pick-me-up on days when I'm looking Edward-Cullen-esque. My current favorite is Nars' Velvet Matte Lip Pencil in "Dragon Girl".

8. Smile more at strangers. As Gandhi said, "be the change you wish to see in the world", and I would like to live in a more positive, upbeat world. And also because you never know who will smile back... 

9. Reap the benefits of living in New York City by attending more art exhibits, plays, comedy shows, musicals and concerts. 

10. Remain calm. I almost want to cross this one off the list because calm and me don't exactly go together, but I really, really, really want to try to keep my cool in the face of  stress this year. I can and I will try and that's the most we can ever ask of ourselves -- to try. And if we fail -- there's always 2014.



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