There's many a reason to love summer, and that includes a noticeable decline in leggings-as-pants sightings. But with summer behind us, these fashion offenders are once again out in full force; parading the streets of Montreal with their ASSets on wide display. Modesty? What's that? These leggings-as-pants wearers honestly believe the general public wants to see the contours of their genitalia. Now I'm talking about full-frontal offenders here – the ones that don't even bother to cover up a fraction of their bottom halves, not about the people whose tops fall slightly on the shorter side. That said, I do believe that leggings, regardless of their fabric, should be treated as tights, and you wouldn't wear tights that exposed your ass now would you? would you? Therefore, my advice is to ensure your top, tunic or dress, covers your entire derriere. This way, you can benefit from the comforts and style of leggings while still looking elegant and put-together. Keep in mind, wearing high boots does not, I repeat does not mean you can get away with wearing a shorter top – unless your boots cover part of your ass, but that's just WEIRD. Also, I don't care how thin you are – wearing too short a top with leggings still won't look classy or fashionable. And just to clarify, although riding pants should ideally be worn with a top that covers the entire bum, if some rear-end is showing that's fine by me because riding pants a) have the word "pants" in their name and b) are generally significantly thicker than any leggings I've seen.
In full disclosure, I have offended once or twice, but I have repented for my sins by swearing to never commit such crimes against fashion again. I strongly suggest you join me. But that's just my take on it, here's what some of my friends think on this contentious matter:
Q: Leggings are: A) pants B) equivalent of tights C) sort of like pants, but must be worn with a top covering bum D) none of the above (please provide opinion).
A1: C... but I admit that sometimes (when you're not looking) I might be a leggings-as-pants offender but strictly only in desperate times such as laundry days - Anais
A2: B. Only B. Ever. - Jacqueline
A3: C, but I MIGHT be inclined to say D if (and only if) they're really thick, good quality leggings with a "style" (e.g. riding pants leggings or motorcycle leggings) and you have a sick bod. But usually C. - Maxime
A4: I'd say they're not like pants but they're not like tights either, they must definitely be worn with a top covering the tush. I'll go with C. - Kara-Sophie
Haha, great post on leggings - I enjoyed these answers :)